Numri i njoftimit: 11264
Postuar në: 13.02.2015, 22:22
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Offset printing machine HGPM 52

I negociueshëm

Kategoria Biznes pajisje, makineri, mjete / Fotokopjim dhe Shtypje / Letra

Lloji i njoftimit: Shitet

Offer:Offset printing machine HGPM 52
Year of construction:2004
Machine condition:like new
Offertype:used machine offer
Engine hours:250
Technical data:The machine is like new
it is with only 200-250 operating hours. it is a single colour printing machine hgpm 52 GTO type Add number:A2078507
Price:€5.500 EUR plus VAT

 Floriam Gjojdeshi