Numri i njoftimit: 11259
Postuar në: 13.02.2015, 19:47
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Vinyl cutting machine Summa d120 d120

I negociueshëm

Kategoria Biznes pajisje, makineri, mjete / Fotokopjim dhe Shtypje / Letra

Lloji i njoftimit: Shitet

Offer:Vinyl cutting machine Summa d120 d120
Manufacturer:Summa d120
Year of construction:2011
Offertype:used machine offer
Technical data:like new
The SummaCut R series is a new evolution on the SummaCut platform. The OPOS X technology of the high-end S-Class cutting plotter has been integrated making sure that the SummaCut R is capable of reading cross-marks for contour cutting not only on standard materials but also on reflective materials.
Add number:A2080184
Price:$5.500 USD plus VAT (shipping costs on request)

 Floriam Gjojdeshi